Brandon Rossen is a commercial photographer based out of Melbourne Australia.  Having been born with two arms, each completely void of tattoos, experts gave him a 10% chance of working in a creative field, if at all.

However, he has overcome the odds and become a prominent figure in photography,but amazingly Brandon doesn't consider himself a hero.

 "My arms are plain, I used to be ashamed and only wore long sleeves to work, or when short sleeves were necessary I would spend hours affixing temporary tattoos, I think this struggle has shaped me into the photographer I am today"

Furthermore Brandon has gone on to achieve an array of awards and distinctions too numerous to recount, but a few are; a best friend, model husband, orange belt in taekwondo, hot dog enthusiast,  chronic embellisher, movie quoter, and way too comfortable writing about himself in the third person.

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outside Australia 

+61 488339100